AMRAP in 12 min:
10 toes-to-bar
15 box jumps (24/18)
20 double-unders
Overhead squat 1-1-1-1-1
Overhead squat 1-1-1-1-1
I finished the AMRAP with 5 full rounds + 10 TTB +15 box jumps +28 regular jump ropes. (Still don't have double unders down, but working on them. I just bought an Again Faster - Ultra Speed Cable Ropes for practicing). I also PRed on the OHS, I got 185lbs then failed on 205, and 200.
Jan 15th -
Skill - 10 min: pistols
20 hang squat snatch (75/45)
30 pistols
40 C2B pull-ups
30 pistols
20 hang squat snatch (75/45)
I finished in 15:26. The C2B pull-ups really held me up. This made me realize that I need to continue working on my kip.
Jan 17th -
101 push press for time (95/56)
3 burpee penalty every time the bar touches the ground
My time was 9:20. I set the bar down six times, so ended up having to do 18 penalty burpees.
Jan 19th -
For time:
50 dead lift (225/155)
40 laterall burpees
30 toes to bar
10 squat snatch (135/95)
I scaled the dead lift weight to 185lbs, I used a band for assistance on the HSPU and I scaled the squat snatch to 95lbs. My shoulder was sore from the Monday WOD, it made the HSPU difficult and the squat snatch close to impossible for me. I had to do one at a time and it was a fight for form.
Side note: I have been using Chuck Taylors for my WOD shoes, this past week I was able to buy some Inov-8 running shoes, which are widely used by CrossFit'rs. From what I gather, the shoes are hard to come by because they're made for trail running but have become popular with CrossFit now. I was only able to find my size in the color green. I had to scour several sites and local stores to find my size at all. I ended up going through Running Warehouse. Take a look -
Zappos seems to always have them- probably not in all sizes though. Green is sweet, no need to apologize.