Tuesday, April 30, 2013

T-E-C-H-N-I-Q-U-E. Break down movements to understand them better.

(Disclaimer: This is a "if the shoe fits, wear it" kind of article. If you are reading and you know that these words do not apply to you, then great, water off a ducks back. However, if you're reading and something jumps out, or makes you think, even better, because I speak from [limited] experience, and I have learned some things the hard way. Quit ignoring issues, identify them, eliminate them and continue to evolve.)

Two classic CrossFit sayings, two of my favorites. 1) Leave your egos at the door and 2) If your fucked up, unfuck yourself and get better.
This is a multi-part series about bringing fundamentals and mobility together to force ourselves to take a step back  in order to take a step forward. Even the top level race cars have to make pit stops in order to continue the race. And you're certainly not a top level race car.

The Snatch-
Here is a recent video of Chad Vaughn performing a Snatch (@ 77kg bdy wgt)

Watch the video. Now watch it again, and again, looking specifically at the FULL hip extension at around :34 or :35 and the very first time his elbows bend around :36, but even closer to :37 as he's pulling UNDER the weight!!! (Ever hear that before????) Watch it again, watch where he catches the weight at :45, the very low, very bottom of the OHS. Solid, strong, and upright torso, supporting all kinds of weight over head, not leaning forward, not a weak midline, and he's still holding his breath! What can we pull from that 45 seconds of video? All kinds of shit to consider;
1) setup for the lift (getting tight before lifting and STAYING TIGHT throughout the lift, not a portion of it)
2) pulling back as the weight moves up
3) the technique
4) the mobility to stick that landing and support weight
5) and finally staying tight while you stand up the weight.
Where do we begin with just those few things? Here are some references that I've used for myself and for some athletes in classes. Again, identify what's fucked up for you specifically and eliminate it - even if it takes time and effort. Come to the gym early if you need to, stay after, do this shit on your own if you're taking it serious. You can even schedule a personal training session with a knowledgeable coach, or take a weightlifting clinic.
 If you only want to be comfortable all the time, then stay in bed, this isn't for you.

1. Getting tight- http://www.liftbigeatbig.com/2012/04/valsalva-maneuver.html
2. Back is up!- http://donnyshankle.blogspot.com/2011/03/on-weightlifting-personal-view_13.html
2a. Mobility to keep it close- http://www.mobilitywod.com/2011/02/episode-183-half-way-and-internal.html
2b. http://www.mobilitywod.com/2011/09/episode-315-great-new-shoulder-fix-internal-rotation-tack-and-stretch.html
3. Full extension- http://youtu.be/5lFEpP89xQ4
4. Mobility to support weight overhead- http://www.mobilitywod.com/2011/10/episode-336-improving-the-bottom-position-of-the-squatcleansnatch.html
-Mobility to keep it close and support the weight overhead - http://www.mobilitywod.com/2010/10/episode-71-overhead-squatsnatch-prep.html

You can't make people smarter. You can expose them to information, but your responsibility stops there. - Mark Rippetoe
Sources -
Chad Vaughn - http://www.crossfitcentex.com/about/chad-vaughn/

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